Hello there,
Actually I have found this code and it does what I need but there's 1 problem that if you use a tool like kutools and click the option of unhide all sheets then all sheets will be hidden so what I need to add to the following code is when the username and password are correct in addition of visible the sheet which required the sheet to be unprotected so after visible the sheet I need to protect workbook structure again... so how I can perform that in the following code:
this code placed in THISWORKBOOK
the idea of the code is to create WELCOME SCREEN sheet and User List sheet which contain a table with username + password + sheet1 + sheet2 + .... as columns
under the sheet1, sheet2 I just insert "x" to let the sheet visible for the user or "" empty if I want the sheet to not be visible for the user, the only problem that the hidden sheet can be visible by kutools or maybe another tools when you click hide/unhide all sheets which make everything useless and weak.
Thanks in Advanced