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Trying to copy a set of sheets and rename them based on user input

  1. #1
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    Trying to copy a set of sheets and rename them based on user input


    So I have a span of worksheets within a workbook, each name is in the format of "20 _______" except the first of the set, which is just "20"
    I want to copy this set of sheets, in order, and rename them based on the operation number the user puts in - so the next set should be 30.

    Currently, I get all the worksheets copied to the end of the sheets, which is correct, and the first sheet copied is correctly renamed, but the other sheets are not remained - they just get assigned "20 ______ (2)"

    I have also tried using
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    instead of
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    in the For Each/If loop, but that didn't work

    Here's the code:

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  2. #2
    Forum Expert JLGWhiz's Avatar
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    Re: Trying to copy a set of sheets and rename them based on user input

    try this

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    Any code provided by me should be tested on a copy or a mock up of your original data before applying it to the original. Some events in VBA cannot be reversed with the undo facility in Excel. If your original post is satisfied, please mark the thread as "Solved". To upload a file, see the banner at top of this page.
    Just when I think I am smart, I learn something new!

  3. #3
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    Re: Trying to copy a set of sheets and rename them based on user input

    Quote Originally Posted by JLGWhiz View Post
    try this

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    So this works well for every copied sheet except for the one titled just "20".

    I tried writing an extra IF statement specifically to copy and rename the 20 page to opNum - this worked, but then I had two copies of 20, so I tried to add another condition to the original block that would check if ws.Name <> "20", but this failed to work.

    I'm curious why this fails to rename "20" to opNum. Any idea?

  4. #4
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    Re: Trying to copy a set of sheets and rename them based on user input

    How about
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  5. #5
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    Re: Trying to copy a set of sheets and rename them based on user input

    Yeah, this seems to work. My guess is you can't name a worksheet with an integer value, but concatenating the integer with a string coerces the type to string, which is why the one that was just =opNum didn't work. So the Variant type allows you to set just the opNum as the sheet name.

  6. #6
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    Re: Trying to copy a set of sheets and rename them based on user input

    You can name a sheet using an integer, but the reason for using
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    is to remove the
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    that you had, as that line simply masks any errors that you were getting.

  7. #7
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    Re: Trying to copy a set of sheets and rename them based on user input

    Cool, thank you. I know next to nothing about VBA so just trying to piece things together here.

  8. #8
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    Re: Trying to copy a set of sheets and rename them based on user input

    Glad to help & thanks for the feedback

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