Hi ,

I have an issue about my current projejt. Let me explain briefly about the situation on my case, my family owned lets say furniture company which many of our customer is a big company to decorate their office. Normally, every client will be serviced by one sales person, but sometimes, big company / priority clients is serviced by more than 1 sales persons (Joined sales).

As a good son, i wanna make a realtime report from invoice that manually input by our staff. And also i interested in setting targets for each sales person from their historical performance as base. is good steps to grow our company. I used pivot table, and its quite easy, the tricky things is only to make it realtime so that when we add something it will automaticly refreshed the graph and combining the joined sales.

To make you understand the case, i made some example
The goal is to make a graph that showed sales person revenue, as for invoice 9, since its joined sales between A and B, the amount 75000 didn't need to split to half(35k) for A & B, just make A sales is (30k+100k+75k (full) = 205k).
In pivot we can use slicer tools to chose the sales person (a,b,c,d), but i want to know if there's a solution (macro maybe) to make when i chose person A, it will also sum the joined sales .
I Know in Pivots table you can make filters and cheklisted "A" and "A/B". But the problem is it possible to make one graph that is modular and flexible.

To be honest, its not necessary to make this. There's many way to work around this, but I am very interested in excel's simple macro. If there's anyone that can help, i love to hear. Since english is not my first language, i apologize if you didnt understand. Thank you