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Nested Loop does not transfer value of each cell in Range to another worksheet!

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    Nested Loop does not transfer value of each cell in Range to another worksheet!

    Hi everyone,

    I wrote a nested loop to transfer the values of each cell in a named range to another worksheet in the same workbook. However, it transfers only the value of the first cell in the range to the assigned cell in the recipient sheet. I have tried anything I could thing of such as defining the range as object instead of range but nothing works. Any help would be much appreciated!

    The code should transfer the data from the named range "FPlannerM1" to the first available row in "ToSheet" in only one row, example A2 B2 C2 D2 etc, when the info in the range is changed, then the macro should do the same on; A3 B3 D3 and so on.

    Sub mcrSaveRecord()
    Dim RowFPArch As Range
    Dim ItemC As Range
    Dim i As Long
    Dim Counter As Long
    Set RowFPArch = Worksheets("FinancialPlanner").Range("FPlannerM1")
    Counter = Worksheets("FinancialPlanner").Range("FPlannerM1").Count
    For Each ItemC In RowFPArch
       For i = 0 To (Counter - 1)
            ActiveCell.Offset(1, i).Range("A1").Value = RowFPArch.Cells.Value
    Next i
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by realbestpete; 04-29-2019 at 11:28 PM. Reason: I attached a file

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