Hello, I just started learning VBA. I'm trying to write additional code that will check if a cell is empty within a specific column of a list/table, and if it is, it will go down a row until it hits a cell that isn't empty. Then it will go 1 cell to the left and add the comment "Pass", and finally go to the next cell that was originally checked if it was empty or not. I want this entire process to keep looping, something like the below code but it doesn't work-

Sub AddComments()
Do While IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
    Do While IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
    ActiveCell.Value = "Pass"
End Sub
That 2nd loop I'd want to return to the beginning of the first Do While, but it's not working. I think a Go To could be added for the beginning of the Do While, but I'd prefer not to use that because the lines could need updating. I'm interested in learning a better way to solve this issue so I can learn more. Another benefit is if someone ever needs to update my macro, they wouldn't have to worry about my Go To code.

Does anyone have some advice as to how I can approach this?
