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Help with fixing match problem in code

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    Help with fixing match problem in code


    I have code that is not writing the expected result and so I could really use some help with making the necessary adjustments. I don’t want to change the code.

    Using the Excel image below the expected written result is the grey highlight in the D5:H17 box area. The data gets written based on any set of numbers in the range E6:E17 and comes from the data source cells M5 to O17. So as an example when cell E8 (3rd line down) has the 10-1 in it the code would search the data source (3rd line down) and write from the data source cells M8/N8/O8 to cells F8/G8/H8. I have also uploaded my Excel workbook.

    Thanks so much for any help.
    Sub PlaceNumbers()
    Dim c As Range, rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range, rng3 As Range, rng4 As Range
    Dim last1 As Long, last2 As Long, rtar As Long, xtar As Long
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    With ActiveSheet
        'create arrays
        arr1 = Array(.Range("D5:H17"))
        arr2 = Array(.Range("L5:O17))                                                             '
        'loop through arrays
        For i = LBound(arr1) To UBound(arr1)
            Set rng1 = arr1(i)
            Set rng3 = arr2(i)                                                      
            last1 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, ColLetter(rng1.Columns(1).Column)).End(xlUp).Row
            last2 = .Cells(.Rows.Count, ColLetter(rng3.Columns(1).Column)).End(xlUp).Row
            For Each c In rng1.Offset(1, 1).Resize(, 1)
                If c <> "" Then
                    rtar = Evaluate("=MATCH(" & ColLetter(rng1.Columns(2).Column) & rng1.Row & "&" & ColLetter(rng1.Columns(3).Column) & rng1.Row & "," & ColLetter(rng3.Columns(1).Column) & "1:" & ColLetter(rng3.Columns(1).Column) & last2 & "&" & ColLetter(rng3.Columns(3).Column) & "1:" & ColLetter(rng3.Columns(3).Column) & last2 & ",0)")
                    xtar = Application.Match(c.Offset(0, -2), Range(ColLetter(rng3.Columns(1).Column) & rtar & ":" & ColLetter(rng3.Columns(1).Column) & last2), 0)
                    With Application.WorksheetFunction
                        c.Offset(0, 1) = .Index(Range(ColLetter(rng3.Columns(2).Column) & rtar & ":" & ColLetter(rng3.Columns(2).Column) & last2), xtar)
                        c.Offset(0, 2) = .Index(Range(ColLetter(rng3.Columns(3).Column) & rtar & ":" & ColLetter(rng3.Columns(3).Column) & last2), xtar)
                        c.Offset(0, 3) = .Index(Range(ColLetter(rng3.Columns(4).Column) & rtar & ":" & ColLetter(rng3.Columns(4).Column) & last2), xtar)
                    End With
                End If
            Next c
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Function ColLetter(Collet As Integer) As String
    ColLetter = Split(Cells(1, Collet).Address, "$")(1)
    End Function

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