Quote Originally Posted by Kristen Yamagata View Post
Based on your original Account Definition Template.xlsm, it appears that Data!B:B contains 9 unique account numbers, yet you only have 2 account definition models on Account Definition Mapping. Questions:

1. Are you looking to evaluate all 9 unique account numbers in a single click?
2. If you are wanting the script to evaluate for previously existing/non-existing data (to highlight updates in yellow), given the lack of account numbers on your Account Definition Mapping sheet, what is the logic behind which Account Definition Model should be used to compare to each account number for pre-existing data?

As mentioned in my initial thread account number is not available in mapping but we have other 2 fields .i.e. entity code and account definition which are common in data worksheet and account definition mapping worksheet and that's the trouble I can't include the account column in account definition mapping worksheet and hence I want to check if for each account listed in data worksheet do we have the entity code and account definition combination available in data worksheet and if not then add the same.