Hi guys,
I have been tasked with producing a database for a new telesales person to work from. We did something similar last year but as we can't currently use a CRM system so only have excel, sql and visual studio to work with. Last year the main issue with the database they used was that it was just too big and complex, it would be laid out with columns such as Company Name | Contact Details | Date Called | Notes - but if they called someone and left notes to then ring them back another day, they would then either have to add more notes for the future call within the same cell, or create a new column for the 'second call notes'. Either way the spreadsheet was huge and messy and disorganised.
I've seen a spreadsheet which had a popup box that allowed you to enter data in a much more visually pleasing way and then after clicking 'add' would populate the spreadsheet underneath (presumably using macro/VBA). I am wondering if there is a possibility of the opposite of this? So e.g. you can click the name of the company and a popup box would generate all of their historical info (I have attached a picture that I just made in paint to try and explain how I mean as I don't have anything to work off) to show the date they were last called (which would have been inputted by the salesperson that day) and the notes from that call, as well as having the general contact details above and a space below to input new data.
I am willing to work really hard to learn what I need to in order to create this myself but I have no idea where to start or even if it is possible. Sorry that this is probably quite confusing to read and I don't have any examples to provide.
Will probably end up being a bit more complex with additional fields etc in but I want to get a grip of whether or not it is possible first.
Thank you!