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How to change date (by month & year only) using textbox & spin button.

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lynn206 How to change date (by month... 03-20-2019, 02:50 AM
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lynn206 Re: How to change date (by... 03-20-2019, 05:22 AM
Keebellah Re: How to change date (by... 03-20-2019, 05:32 AM
  1. #1
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    How to change date (by month & year only) using textbox & spin button.

    Hello everyone,

    I am new to the group.

    Need some expert help here.

    I am having problem with changing the date using textbox and spin button.
    The code that I use for the spin button is as follows:

    Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinUp()
    TextBox1.Text = Format(CDate(TextBox1.Text) + 30, "dd mmm yy")
    End Sub

    Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown()
    TextBox1.Text = Format(CDate(TextBox1.Text) - 30, "dd mmm yy")
    End Sub

    This works well, only that the result is displayed as day, month, year instead of month, year only.
    When I changed the code as below, the decrease is limited to Dec 2018 while the increase to Jan 2020. The spin button is linked to a cell with a data entry "Jan-19".

    Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinUp()
    TextBox1.Text = Format(CDate(TextBox1.Text) + 30, "mmm yy")
    End Sub

    Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown()
    TextBox1.Text = Format(CDate(TextBox1.Text) - 30, "mmm yy")
    End Sub

    I have tried but to no avail to get the results that I want, which is:
    1) result should be displayed in month, year format
    2) the minimum and maximum value of the date for the spin button are Jan 2018 and Dec 2065 respectively.

    Thank you in advance for your helps on this problem.


  2. #2
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: How to change date (by month & year only) using textbox & spin button.

    Hi, welcome to the forum.
    It's probably clear for you but ...
    The linked cell date entry is "Jan-19", that is what you SEE but the actual value is probably the actual date, correct?
    Do NOT mistake the date format with the date value.
    Add a temporary date variable that fills the date based on the textbox in the format :

    Dim tmpDate as date
    tmpdate = dateserial(year(CDate(TextBox1.Text)), month(CDate(TextBox1.Text)), day(CDate(TextBox1.Text)))
    in the Up you say tmpDate=tmpDate + 30
    in the down tmpdate = tmpdate-30
    and then fille the Textbox1.Text= format(tmpdate, "mmm yy")
    Something like that, play around with it

    You can also do an extra check to check if the new Year(tmpDate) is between 2018 and 2065 before comitting

    This just typed, not checked for syntax errors, but just to give you an idea how it could be done,, there are probably other ways but this is my idea for doing it.
    "IT" Always crosses your path!
    May the (vba) code be with you... if it isn't; start debugging!
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  3. #3
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    Re: How to change date (by month & year only) using textbox & spin button.

    Hi, many thanks for your welcoming wish and reply.

    I have updated the code with the suggested solution as follows:

    Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinUp()
    Dim tmpDate As Date

    tmpDate = DateSerial(Year(CDate(TextBox1.Text)), Month(CDate(TextBox1.Text)), Day(CDate(TextBox1.Text)))
    tmpDate = tmpDate + 30

    TextBox1.Text = Format(tmpDate, "mmm yy")

    End Sub

    Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown()
    Dim tmpDate As Date

    tmpDate = DateSerial(Year(CDate(TextBox1.Text)), Month(CDate(TextBox1.Text)), Day(CDate(TextBox1.Text)))
    tmpDate = tmpDate - 30

    TextBox1.Text = Format(tmpDate, "mmm yy")

    End Sub

    In the cell that is linked to the spin button, I entered the date as, for example, Jan 19. When I click on the spin button (up or down), it works but the date when decreased is still limited to Dec 2018 while when increased, it doesn't go beyond Jan 2020.

    I have also tried changing the min & max value in the spin button properties by the date value for Jan 2018 and Dec 2065, but nothing change. The same problem remains...

    I do not have any basic in VBA. I usually get the VBA code via google search and try to customize it to suit my work purposes.
    Have been cracking my head for 2 days to solve this....

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: How to change date (by month & year only) using textbox & spin button.

    Please read the forum rules when including code and USE CODE TAGS (I did so you saw how it looks)
    Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinUp()
    Dim tmpDate As Date
    tmpDate = DateSerial(Year(CDate(TextBox1.Text)), Month(CDate(TextBox1.Text)), Day(CDate(TextBox1.Text)))
    tmpDate = tmpDate + 30
    if year(tmpDate) < 2065 Then TextBox1.Text = Format(tmpDate, "mmm yy")
    End Sub
    Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown()
    Dim tmpDate As Date
    tmpDate = DateSerial(Year(CDate(TextBox1.Text)), Month(CDate(TextBox1.Text)), Day(CDate(TextBox1.Text)))
    tmpDate = tmpDate - 30
    if year(tmpDate)> 2018 Then TextBox1.Text = Format(tmpDate, "mmm yy")
    End Sub
    You must also check that the linked cell is updated too

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