Hello - I am seeking help on likely a minor adjustment I'd like to make. I am creating a macro that will expand my details by removing filters, or alternatively in a separate macro, apply a specific filter, both on various sheets. However, being as that this is a working file - sometimes someone may forget and leave a filter applied on one but not the other. When running the macro it fails at the point in which the first sheet didn't comply. Is there a way to edit this macro making it continue on to complete the process if it were to fail.

Here is an example of the current macro -

Sub ExpandScheduleDetailsv2()
' ExpandScheduleDetailsv2 Macro

Sheets("Sch 2").Select
Sheets("Sch 3").Select
Sheets("Sch 5 (detail)").Select
Sheets("Schedule 6").Select
Sheets("Sch 7(detail) ").Select
Sheets("Sch 11(FLEETCOR credit)").Select
Sheets("Distributor Return Cover Sheet").Select
End Sub