Good Morning Kev_ & thank you for the welcome!
It is an active-x combo box. I have used the following code in attempt to make this work;
Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, _
ByVal Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = 13 Or KeyCode = 9 Then
End If
End Sub
Is there a way I can attach the file to the forum so you could take a look for yourself. I am so close, and this sheet is going to make my work so much easier. I am going to try the code above right now.
EDIT: I used the code above and it worked as described. As soon as you click off combo-box1 the focus is shifted to combo-box2. As this is better than the alternative, I still would like to be able to use the enter key. The document I am creating will be used for our salesforce as a method of submitting orders. I fear that if i dont make it as simple as possible they will just refuse to use it and continue submitting orders via email. With this document it will be easy to see who ordered what and when rather than searching thousands of emails. I never worked with sales directly before, but they are a special group of people who I feel only care about the final result of the sale, and not the 15 other steps it takes to get product out the door!
I appreciate your help very much, if you have further insights, or a good way to train yourself in coding I am all ears.