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VBA to copy sheet, move to end and rename to next number in sequence

  1. #1
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    VBA to copy sheet, move to end and rename to next number in sequence


    I'm fairly new to VBA so any help would be much appreciated.

    I have a worksheet and I want to put a button at the bottom that says 'add next date.' When clicked, I'd like it to copy the sheet and move it to the end and rename it to the next number (date) in the sequence. For example, the first sheet is called '1' and when the button on it is clicked it will duplicate it and rename it '2.'

    Please can anyone help me with this or point me in the right direction of some tutorials that might help?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert JLGWhiz's Avatar
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    Re: VBA to copy sheet, move to end and rename to next number in sequence

    To attach to a command button, click Developer|Insert and then select the button from the Form controls tool box. There should be a pop up menu appear when you install the button on the sheet which allows you to attach the macro to the button. The code goes into any one of the numbered code modules.

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    Any code provided by me should be tested on a copy or a mock up of your original data before applying it to the original. Some events in VBA cannot be reversed with the undo facility in Excel. If your original post is satisfied, please mark the thread as "Solved". To upload a file, see the banner at top of this page.
    Just when I think I am smart, I learn something new!

  3. #3
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    Re: VBA to copy sheet, move to end and rename to next number in sequence

    That's perfect! Thank you so much!

  4. #4
    Forum Expert JLGWhiz's Avatar
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    Re: VBA to copy sheet, move to end and rename to next number in sequence

    Quote Originally Posted by benjhardie View Post
    That's perfect! Thank you so much!
    You are welcome,
    regards, JLG

  5. #5
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    Re: VBA to copy sheet, move to end and rename to next number in sequence

    Not knocking your code but it fails if you would have a sequence of for instance "Master Sheet", "2", "3" and start copying sheets from there.

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