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Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

  1. #1
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    Question Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    This is in Excel 2016 (I think that's the version)

    I think this might have to be done with VBA but if I can avoid it I'd like to, only because I don't have a lot of VBA experience.

    I'm trying to figure out how to split addresses into a few specific columns, and I'm having some trouble figuring out exactly how to do that.

    The addresses are almost always like this:

    100 Street Name BLVD City, STATE 00000 (state is two letter abbreviation, CA/AZ/NV etc)

    the columns I need are "100 Street Name BLVD" "City" "STATE" and "0000". If i set it to delimit by space and comma then it almost works except that splits the whole street address. In theory I think I'd want it to delimit after a series of capital letters (that should handle BLVD and any smaller permutations of it like ST/RD/CIR, without hitting capital letters in street names). There's also the added problem of City names that have a space in them, so I might need to somehow make an exception or make it not start a new column until it hits ", "

    I'm not super sure how to actually do that, though, so any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
    Last edited by mrolson0603; 12-17-2018 at 07:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    Hello mrolson0603,

    Welcome to the forum!

    Splitting data up is a tricky business, especially addresses. The key to easy parsing is consistency in syntax (like that ever happens). The more of the actual data we can see will help us to provide you with the best solution.
    Leith Ross

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  3. #3
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    I can't really share the actual data I'm using for privacy reasons, but they're all in a very similar format. Currently I'm manually splitting them up and it's taking a while, I suspect I can do it much faster if I can get Excel to do it for me. I can show you some example addresses, though. (Changed every name and number, format is identical)

    10198 Johnson DR Sacramento, VA 12345
    203 Timothy PKWY Austin, VA 99999
    816 Jimothy AVE NW Washington, DC 20006 <- These might be the tricky ones if there's multiple CAPS, might need to fix those manually but they're rare
    11211 Tohnson Lake LOOP Boston, VA 64875

    They're generally consistent (the number of words in the street isn't consistent but it generally ends in an all caps keyword, same with city etc)

    There's about 500-600 of those a week, automating it would save me probably 4-5 hours a week which would be fantastic.

    Looking at the last hundred addresses I've only seen ONE that didn't have some kind of road signifier at the end (ST/RD/whatever, I still dont know what those are technically called), and the ones I can see being problematic are addresses on things like "NW Fir ST" because the NW would trigger a delimiter and it needs to go after ST. Unless I keep like a list of endings and populate it over time so it only delimits if it finds that specific affix...

    I dont have a lot of experience with VBA, I worked with Google Sheets scripting for a bit and some java but I'm really not good at this lol
    Last edited by mrolson0603; 12-17-2018 at 08:58 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    Perhaps this will be of some help.
    Note that this proposal employs a list of endings (O2:O6) as stated in post #3.
    B2: =AGGREGATE(14,6,SEARCH(O$2:O$6,A2),1)
    C2: =SEARCH(" ",A2,B2)
    D2: =LEFT(A2,C2)
    E2: =MID(A2,LEN(D2)+1,SEARCH(",",A2)-(LEN(D2)+1))
    F2: =MID(A2,SEARCH(",",A2)+2,2)
    G2: =RIGHT(A2,5)
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  5. #5
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    This Code:

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    Results in this:

    Data Range
    10198 Johnson DR Sacramento, VA 12345
    10198 Johnson DR
    VA 12345
    203 Timothy PKWY Austin, VA 99999
    203 Timothy PKWY
    VA 99999
    816 Jimothy AVE NW Washington, DC 20006
    816 Jimothy AVE NW
    DC 20006
    11211 Tohnson Lake LOOP Boston, VA 64875
    11211 Tohnson Lake LOOP
    VA 64875
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  6. #6
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    Try the attached.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    Quote Originally Posted by jindon View Post
    Try the attached.
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    That almost works perfectly, actually, except it doesn't separate city/state/zip correctly, but I think I can fix it...

    Apologies for the late reply, holidays were hectic.

    Edit: I have no idea how to fix this, but it's almost perfect. Here's how they end up:

    Address Street address State Zip
    10198 Johnson DR Sacramento, VA 12345 10198 Johnson DR Sacramento VA 12345

    So the City is under State and the state is put next to the zip code
    Last edited by mrolson0603; 01-04-2019 at 07:10 PM.

  8. #8
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    Try change to
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  9. #9
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    that works really well, actually! Thank you for your help so far. I have two more questions. How would I handle truncating zip codes from xxxxx-xxxx to xxxxx with this macro? I didn't realize until just now that they do that. Adding a "-" might work but I'm not very familiar with how macro patterns are organized. I don't need anything after the first five numbers.

    And how would this handle if the entire address is in caps? I'm guessing that's how it determines ST/LOOP/etc so it might not work at all, I'm just curious. I've learned a decent amount just reading stuff online and messing with the macro.

    Also, and this is completely unrelated, when I pull addresses (we use LexisNexis) they show up in two lines

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    Is there a way to paste that into a single line easily, or somehow incorporate that into the macro? I know you can double click a cell and paste it, but that's a little annoying. If not, that's also fine.

    Thanks again for all your help!
    Last edited by mrolson0603; 01-07-2019 at 10:09 PM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    Don't quote whole posts -- it's just clutter.
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  11. #11
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    Sorry about that, edited previous post. I will upload a sample workbook tomorrow so you can see what I'm dealing with. Again, I really appreciate the help, macros are a little difficult for me to even comprehend but I'm getting there.

  12. #12
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    OK, and thanks for editing your post.

    I will be busy rest of the day anyway, so will wait for the workbook.

  13. #13
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    Alright, I've (hopefully) attached my example book. Realistically I don't even know if this is possible, but ideally I put the full address in column F and the next three populate based on that address, essentially what I was trying to do above.
    The address being in all caps might be the biggest obstacle, I have no idea how to address that. I've written similar things in Google Sheets but Excel doesn't work the same way and I'm not familiar with its limitations.

    example book.xlsx

    I appreciate the help so far, I'm still really lost on this tbh.

  14. #14
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    This is completely different from the one you originally asked.

    All in capital letters? and the result that you want is only 3 rows?

  15. #15
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    Re: Looking for help with slightly advanced delimiting & text to columns.

    Do you have list of city names separately. If so add the list in the file and upload.
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