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referencing a column value in R part of a R1C1 formula

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    referencing a column value in R part of a R1C1 formula

    I have a partial formula but am stumped. Can I reference a row with a column value?

    Cells(r, c).FormulaR1C1 = "=IFERROR(((R(beginning 6000 in column Y)C:R(ending 6000 in column Y)C)*0.085)*R2C,0)

    The formula needs to includes the 2019 (column H) numbers of the light green highlighted categories, major account 6000.00.

    The kicker is that some of the individual stores has an extra category which will add 3 more rows to the 6000 category. I can't go backwards because some of the stores would be -28 rows and some would be -25 rows. This is why I was thinking of using a row reference. The far right hand column has the row number and beginning with that row number, every 3rd row value until the end row, including the end row. I put a formula in column J, row 164 for an example of end result.

    I hope this makes sense and any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: referencing a column value in R part of a R1C1 formula

    If I understand the request then you should be using a SUMIFS() function

    e.g. ij J164.

    Formula: copy to clipboard

    And is there a typo since you haven't included J149?
    Richard Buttrey

    RIP - d. 06/10/2022

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  3. #3
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    Re: referencing a column value in R part of a R1C1 formula

    Yes, there is a typo, it does need to be included. Your formula is okay but as I previously stated, J136 isn't always the starting row.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Re: referencing a column value in R part of a R1C1 formula

    You can also create dynamic named ranges:
    Data_Periods ='103'!$J$4:INDEX('103'!$U:$U,COUNT('103'!$D:$D)+3)
    DataYear ='103'!$H$4:INDEX('103'!$H:$H,COUNT('103'!$D:$D)+3)
    MajorAccountID ='103'!$D$4:INDEX('103'!$D:$D,COUNT('103'!$D:$D)+3)
    pro_rated_inflation ='103'!$J$2:$U$2

       ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
            "=SUMIFS(INDEX(Data_Periods,0,COLUMN(R1C[-9])),MajorAccountID,6000,DataYear,RC8)*0.085*INDEX(pro_rated_inflation, COLUMN(R1C[-9]))"
    Last edited by protonLeah; 12-29-2018 at 08:56 PM.
    Ben Van Johnson

  5. #5
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    Re: referencing a column value in R part of a R1C1 formula

    I'm not sure I understand correctly. If the ranges have to be created on each sheet then this would virtually be impossible as there are may stores to create all these ranges individually. Is there anyway to achieve this without ranges? I like the sumifs function and I'll work with it to see if I can make this work.

  6. #6
    Forum Guru
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    Re: referencing a column value in R part of a R1C1 formula

    Or, instead of writing a formula to the cells, calculate and write the sums with the macro:
    Option Explicit
    Sub TaxExpense()
        Dim Acct6000    As Range, _
            AcctDescr   As Range, _
            AcctRec     As Range, _
            ProRateInfl As Range, _
            Counter     As Long, _
            TaxExpRow   As Long, _
            VarianceRow As Long, _
            Accumulator As Double, _
            t0          As Double, _
            TaxYear     As Variant
        t0 = Timer
        With Application
            .ScreenUpdating = False ' turn off screen flicker
            .EnableEvents = False ' turn off events
            .DisplayAlerts = False
            .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
            .AskToUpdateLinks = False 'suppress asking for update
        End With
        With Range("D:D")
            Set Acct6000 = .Find(6000)
            Counter = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("D:D"), 6000)
            Set Acct6000 = Acct6000.Resize(rowsize:=Counter)
        End With
        For Each TaxYear In Array(2018, 2019)
            'find the row to insert PERIOD SUMS
            For Each AcctDescr In Range("G:G")
                If AcctDescr.Value = "PAYROLL TAX EXPENSE" And AcctDescr.Offset(ColumnOffset:=1).Value = TaxYear Then
                    TaxExpRow = AcctDescr.Row
                End If
            'find the row to insert variances
                If AcctDescr.Value = "PAYROLL TAX EXPENSE" And AcctDescr.Offset(ColumnOffset:=1).Value = "Variance" Then
                    VarianceRow = AcctDescr.Row
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next AcctDescr
            'Total up expenses for each period
            For Each ProRateInfl In Range("J2:U2")
                For Each AcctRec In Acct6000
                    If AcctRec.Offset(ColumnOffset:=4).Value = TaxYear Then
                        Accumulator = Accumulator + AcctRec.Offset(ColumnOffset:=ProRateInfl.Column - AcctRec.Column).Value
                    End If
                Next AcctRec
                'format total
                Accumulator = Round(Accumulator * 0.085 * ProRateInfl.Value, 2)
                ' ** write to tax expense cells **
                Cells(TaxExpRow, ProRateInfl.Column).Value = Accumulator
            Next ProRateInfl
        Next TaxYear
        With Application
            .ScreenUpdating = True
            .EnableEvents = True
            .DisplayAlerts = True
            .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
            .AskToUpdateLinks = False
        End With
        MsgBox Round((Timer - t0), 3) & " Sec"
    End Sub

  7. #7
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    Re: referencing a column value in R part of a R1C1 formula

    ProtonLeah, works perfect, thanks so much.

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