Change the combobox properties:
Add the below to the very top of Module1
Public Product_SKU_Row As Long
Public Enum Headers
Spin = 3
Video = 4
In_Use = 5
Photo = 6
WebCollage = 7
Reviews = 8
Article = 9
End Enum
Modify the form's button codes as was done with Start360_Click
calculate the sku row in the worksheet:
Private Sub cboProductSKU_Change()
Product_SKU_Row = cboProductSKU.Value + 2
End Sub
Private Sub Start360_Click()
With Cells(Product_SKU_Row, Headers.Spin)
.Value = IIf(.Value = "", "S", "")
End With
End Sub
When choosing the column numbers for the cell, type Headers. then choose the header from the dropdown.