HI Guys!
I'm running into some problems with this macro I found online. I think I adjusted everything to suit my needs, which is to copy module2 with the macro's it contains into a new workbook. Somehow this code is not doing anything though. No code is transferred to the example file.
Hope you can help out!
Sub CopyModule(SourceWB As Workbook, strModuleName As String, TargetWB As Workbook)
' copies a module from one workbook to another
' example:
'CopyModule Workbooks("example1.xlsm"), "Module2", _
' Workbooks("example2.xlsm")
Dim strFolder As String, strTempFile As String
strFolder = SourceWB.Path
If Len(strFolder) = 0 Then strFolder = CurDir
strFolder = strFolder & "\"
strTempFile = strFolder & "~tmpexport.bas"
On Error Resume Next
SourceWB.VBProject.VBComponents(strModuleName).Export strTempFile
TargetWB.VBProject.VBComponents.Import strTempFile
Kill strTempFile
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub test()
Call CopyModule(Workbooks("Example1.xlsm"), "Module2", Workbooks("Example2.xlsm"))
End Sub