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Change text value randomly based on category

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    Change text value randomly based on category


    I am trying to create a tool that will allow me to see the effects on average hourly pay for groups when changing the gender ratios for those groups. I attach an example spreadsheet of what the tool would ideally look like:

    DATA - this tab has the raw data. Data is split by Grade, Discipline and Gender and organised into categories based on these three values.

    TOOL - this tab is where the user would insert the values for Grade, Discipline and Gender. Once they have completed this table they should be able to click the button below and it will select one row that matches the criteria at random and then change the gender value to the reverse, e.g. if they were to insert Standard, Structures, Male into the tool and hit the button the sheet would find one row on the DATA tab, at random, whose category is equal to StandardStructuresMale and change this category to StandardStructuresFemale

    Is this possible? I've spent many hours attempting this through formula / VBA, but my skills are not up to it.

    Any help greatly appreciated.

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