
This is my first time on a forum, but I outgrew the knowledge of other collegues in excel, so I want to learn more from others around the world.

A collegue had the problem that he had to fill in a lot of data, so he tried to simplify it. He made a table in which he has an X and Y axis.
Both the X and the Y axis have a name which can be combined with eachother (I think its a pivot table, but I am not sure); e.g.:
X = Red / White / Blue
Y = Orange / Purple / Yellow
X1Y1 = Red-Orange
X3Y2 = Blue-Purple

Now, every time he wants one of these combinations in use for his project, he fills in a "1" in the crossing of the X and Y axis (in the table).
He wants, when he fills in a "1", that a new row is made which fills in the information:
Cell A1 = "Option number 1"
Cell B1 = Red
Cell C1 = Orange

Cell A2 = "Option number 2"
Cell B2 = Blue
Cell C2 = Purple

Now you add a "1" in between these options: X2Y3 (White-Yellow)

Cell A1 = "Option number 1"
Cell B1 = Red
Cell C1 = Orange

Cell A2 = "Option number 2"
Cell B2 = White
Cell C2 = Yellow

Cell A3 = "Option number 3"
Cell B3 = Blue
Cell C3 = Purple

I think the easiest way to accomplish this is by a macro which keeps running when you turn it on.
Can you guys follow my idea a bit? Or guide me?

Thanks in regard.