I am using Rows 101 - 115 and columns A - C for UserForm data. I allow deleting 1 range of data at a time, that leaves my UserForm a empty row of data. After removing the data from,

A102, B102, C102

I would like to move remaining data up to fill in the empty UserForm row.

Row 103's data into Row 102
Row 104's data into Row 103
and so on to Row 115, all data starts in row 101, but not all rows contain data, example: row 101- row 104 have data and row 105 - row 115 are empty until more data is entered

I am using columns D - U, and row 116 for other information

I have tried
Range("A102", "A115").Value = Range("A101", "A115").Value
tried to explain in detail, and i continue to work problem
thanks in advance