I started looking at the problem as a recursive loop and assigning a hierarchy (outline)level to the results from the table and came up with the following list. I am wondering if I can just assign an array position to this location.
So starting at the child level 004/28136/00 (1.0) I get to 2 hits [520/34007/04, 520/34057/04] becoming (1.1 and 1.2) adding them to a list.
Take the first item 520/34007/04 (1.1) I get 2 hits becoming 1.1.1 and 1.12 append them to the list.
Take the next unchecked item 520/34057/04 (1.2) giving 1 hit [520/34057/00] becoming 1.2.1 and append this to the list
so on and so forth.
I manually did this and ended up after sorting with (see hiearchy tab) The green is in a location format
Trying to think how to handle an unknown size of an array - maybe append to a txt file. not sure about coding this?