Try next code
Option Explicit
Sub Treat()
Const FR = 2 ' Row where to start the display
Const WkCol = 5 ' Colun where to start the display
Const ColLst = "a,b,c,d" ' List of items
Dim I As Integer, LR As Integer, II As Integer, J As Integer
Dim ColArr, T, TT, TT1, TT2
ColArr = Split(ColLst, ",")
LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(3).Row
Cells(1, WkCol).Resize(1, UBound(ColArr) + 2).EntireColumn.ClearContents
Cells(1, WkCol) = "Id"
Cells(1, WkCol + 1).Resize(1, UBound(ColArr) + 1) = ColArr
For I = FR To LR
If (Cells(I, 1) <> "") Then
T = Split(Cells(I, 2), " ")
For Each TT In T
TT1 = Split(TT, ":")(0)
TT2 = Split(TT, ":")(1)
J = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(TT1, ColArr, 0)
Cells(II, WkCol) = Cells(I, 1)
Cells(II, WkCol).Offset(0, J) = TT2
If (J = UBound(ColArr) + 1) Then II = II + 1
Next TT
End If
Next I
End Sub