OK, I found the problem. I had another file open that I was working on to solve another thread here, and that had the shortcut of CTRL+r attached. I am starting to think I should troubleshoot other people's files in a sandboxed VM.

Here is the code that I ended up writing (this is Windows only, ENVIRON not available on a Mac):
Option Explicit

Public Sub ExportModules()

   Dim OpenVBProject As VBProject
   Dim CurrentVBComp As VBComponent
   Dim Destination As String
   Dim TextLine As String
   Const ShortcutFlag = ".VB_Invoke_Func"
   Dim PathRoot As String: PathRoot = Environ("HOMEPATH") & "\"
   Dim Report As String: Report = PathRoot & "Shortcut Report.txt"
   Dim SubName As String
   Dim KeyboardShortcutRegEx As Object
   Set KeyboardShortcutRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
   ' Format of keyboard shortcut string in exported .bas file:
   ' Attribute [subname].VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "[shortcutkey]\n14"
   KeyboardShortcutRegEx.Pattern = "^Attribute ([^.]*)\..*VB_Invoke_Func = ""([^\\]*)\\n14""$"
   On Error Resume Next ' in case file does not exit
   Kill Report
   On Error GoTo 0
   Open Report For Output As #2
   'Set OpenVBProject = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject
   For Each OpenVBProject In Application.VBE.VBProjects
      On Error Resume Next ' some project causes errors on attempt to export,
                           ' that is checked explicitly farther down
      For Each CurrentVBComp In OpenVBProject.VBComponents
         If CurrentVBComp.Type = vbext_ct_StdModule Then
            Destination = PathRoot & OpenVBProject.Name & " " & CurrentVBComp.Name & ".bas"
            CurrentVBComp.Export Destination
            If Err.number > 0 Then
               Debug.Print Destination & ": " & Err.number & " " & Err.Description
               ' Get the shortcut keys
               ' Read the .bas file, checking for RegEx matches
               Open Destination For Input As #1
               Do While Not EOF(1)
                  Line Input #1, TextLine
                  If KeyboardShortcutRegEx.test(TextLine) Then
                     SubName = KeyboardShortcutRegEx.Replace(TextLine, "$1")
                     Print #2, OpenVBProject.Name & " " & CurrentVBComp.Name & " " & SubName & _
                     ": CTRL+" & KeyboardShortcutRegEx.Replace(TextLine, "$2")
                  End If
               Close #1
               Kill Destination ' comment this out if you would like to keep the .bas files
            End If
         End If
      Next CurrentVBComp
   Next OpenVBProject
   Close #2
   Shell "notepad " & Report, vbNormalFocus

End Sub