With lots of copy-paste, I finally have a system to e-mail an excel file. This is done using various sources, and now looks like this (I removed the lines which I think to be irrelevant) :
Sub reply_general()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olMail As Object
Dim answer As String
Dim agree As String
Dim BodyCode As String
Dim str_tmppath
str_tmppath = Environ("temp") & "\Verlofaanvraagreply.xlsm"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Filename:=str_tmppath
I understand that the way of working with the str_tmppath has the advantage that Outlook can easily find the file to attach :
.Attachments.Add str_tmppath
I now would modify this in such a way that I send the file as a PDF file. How should I modify the codes ? I assume that I have to replace the last line in the first block.