Hello all. I am fairly new here so I'll try to make this as coherent as possible. I want to thank jaslake and protonLeah for helping me get started. Also, as a starting point, the thread that my question stemmed from is called "Filter one column with multiple checkboxes" (I am not able to post direct link due to limitations).
My situation is that I have a column with multiple values that I want to filter by "groups". In this instance, column P contains values associated with a location. These locations are associated with a certain channel, but that is not part of the data, and does not exist in a table that I would be able to merge into this table as a separate column. Instead I would like to assign an autofilter to a checkbox for each channel that would filter those grouped values based on the checkbox(s) selected.
I will also admit that VBA is not my strong suit, so many of the terms and language behind this is still foreign to me. The code I have currently created (some of which has been removed for security purposes) is for the autofilter. If there is more info needed or something does not look right, please let me know and I will do my best to fix the issue. Thanks!