I am using excel 2016 64 bitt
I have data in col a:j
My key is a&b&c...&j
But it very slow,is so multi Compleks criteria
My data 80.000 row
sub test()
Dim txt$,i&,x
With [A1].CurrentRegion
x = .Value
With createObject("Scripting.dictionary")
For i = 1 to Ubound(x)
With application
txt = Join(.transpose(.transpose(.index(x,i)),",")
.item(txt) = .index(x,i)
End with
Next i
End with
End with
End sub
But if using array is very fast
But my data not similar arrange data
Must to sort but so complek data imposibble to sort
sub arr()
Dim ar(),i&,n&, x,j&,k&
x =[a1].CurrentRegion.value
Redim ar(1 to ubound(x),1 to ubound(x,2))
For i = 2 to ubound(x)
n = i-1
For j = 1 to ubound(x,2)
If x(i,j) = x(n,j) then
k = k + 1
ar(1,j) = x(n,j)
ar(k,j) = x(i,j)
End if
Next j
Next i
End sub