Hi, there are a few options here, but it's not clear how you want to record the results etc... i.e. summary table with "elegant" single cell calc {will be relatively expensive to calculate}, or are happy to use helpers to simplify identify results... we're also assuming your data is always provided as illustrated - i.e. sorted by Associate & Date.
In reference to your variable weekend issue, you could use the NETWORKDAYS.INTL function to determine a "break" with variable weekends -- using your sample file:
D2: =IF($A2<>$A1,1,N($D1)+(NETWORKDAYS.INTL($B1,$B2,IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A2,$O:$P,2,0),"0000011"))>2))
copied down
E2: =IF($A2=$A3,"",$D2^2*COUNTIF($A$2:$A2,$A2))
copied down
the above would generate 20 & 15 in E6 & E21 respectively
the reference to O:P is simply to allow you to record non-standard weeks per Associate, to illustrate using example data, enter below into your file:
cell O2 enter 1
cell P2 enter '0001011
{note use of apostrophe prefix}
the above would result in E6 reverting to 5 from 20 - i.e. the result of fact that Thursday is no longer considered a working day for this Associate per P2 string.
hopefully this will be of use to you.