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Duplicate Template sheet based on names in List sheet

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    Duplicate Template sheet based on names in List sheet

    Hi all,

    Please find below-attached workbook which houses a macro that enables me to duplicate the Template sheet and rename them based on names in Col H in List sheet.

    However, I am looking for adjustment in the code, where I can select the names that get duplicated. To do this, I am looking at two ways:
    1) Either give me a drop-down box for picking the names, or
    2) If I can add an extra column "L" where I give "yes" and "no" and code creates only those sheets against whose name 'yes' exists.

    Also, I want to add error check, like, If I inadvertently selected a name whose sheets already exists, then instead of erring, let code create the sheet again with a suffix as excel usually does i.e., xyz(1), xyz(2) etc.

    Please help.
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