(see attachment)
I'm trying to get Sheet 1("Classification Cross Sell") to populate with True or False depending on if Sheet 2("Developer-Tables")'s Niche was Professional vs Office Services vs Commercial vs Skilled Trades. I believe I would need to use some type of combination of nested IF statements along with using the AND + OR functions but i'm not very familiar with if statements and was hoping to get help
The Niche depends on the classification. For Example, the 'Professional' classification consists of multiple Niches:so IF the niche matches any of these, I need the corresponding cell under professional and to the right of that same company's name, to show as "True"
- Accounting/Finance
- Engineering
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Lab
- Legal
- Medical
- Procurement
- Sales
Sheet 1("Classification Cross Sell")
Column A B C D E
1 Company Professional Office Services Commercial Skilled Trades
2 ABC Co. True True False False
3 XYZ Co. False False True False
Sheet 2("Developer-Tables") - Eventually, this will be hidden.
Column A Column B
1 Company Niche
2 ABC Co. Accounting
3 ABC Co. Marketing
4 ABC Co. Human Resources
5 XYZ Co. General Labor
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!