But here is my problem, I'm having trouble trying to get my named range function created - thanks to Gabhan Berry - ("GreaterThan") to work since my Dynamic Named Range (the "client" column) contains blank rows, and when I try to reference it within a formula it doesn't work. I've also tried a function - created by Jon Acampora - called "FindLast"
The formula I see for Clients
Formula: copy to clipboard
would have that drawback with respect to blank rows. Though very popular I've never been a fan of COUNTA constructions in DNRs for that very reason.

Try this alternative for text DNRs.
Formula: copy to clipboard
It will always match on the last row of data even if there are blanks in the range. Please note that the match type is 1 for approximate match.

If you should ever have occasion to need a DNR for numbers
Formula: copy to clipboard

I've never seen or Googled Jon Acampora's - "FindLast". Perhaps it's the same formula.

I hope this helps.