Dear Friends,

I found this code for scanning of folder for PDF files, counting number of pages and exporting of result to worksheet.

Sub PDFandNumPages()
   Dim Folder As Object
   Dim file As Object
   Dim fso As Object
   Dim iExtLen As Integer, iRow As Integer
   Dim sFolder As String, sExt As String
   Dim sPDFName As String

   sExt = "pdf"
   iExtLen = Len(sExt)
   iRow = 2
   ' Must have a '\' at the end of path
   sFolder = "C:\Users\ismi\Desktop\14_Editable_Copy_18SEP\"
   Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   If sFolder <> "" Then
      Set Folder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
      For Each file In Folder.files
         If Right(file, iExtLen) = sExt Then
            Cells(iRow, 1).Value = file.Name
            Cells(iRow, 2).Value = pageCount(sFolder & file.Name)
            iRow = iRow + 1
         End If
      Next file
   End If

End Sub
Function pageCount(sFilePathName As String) As Integer

Dim nFileNum As Integer
Dim sInput As String
Dim sNumPages As String
Dim iPosN1 As Integer, iPosN2 As Integer
Dim iPosCount1 As Integer, iPosCount2 As Integer
Dim iEndsearch As Integer

' Get an available file number from the system
nFileNum = FreeFile

'OPEN the PDF file in Binary mode
Open sFilePathName For Binary Lock Read Write As #nFileNum
  ' Get the data from the file
  Do Until EOF(nFileNum)
      Input #1, sInput
      sInput = UCase(sInput)
      iPosN1 = InStr(1, sInput, "/N ") + 3
      iPosN2 = InStr(iPosN1, sInput, "/")
      iPosCount1 = InStr(1, sInput, "/COUNT ") + 7
      iPosCount2 = InStr(iPosCount1, sInput, "/")
   If iPosN1 > 3 Then
      sNumPages = Mid(sInput, iPosN1, iPosN2 - iPosN1)
      Exit Do
   ElseIf iPosCount1 > 7 Then
      sNumPages = Mid(sInput, iPosCount1, iPosCount2 - iPosCount1)
      Exit Do
   ' Prevent overflow and assigns 0 to number of pages if strings are not in binary
   ElseIf iEndsearch > 1001 Then
      sNumPages = "0"
      Exit Do
   End If
      iEndsearch = iEndsearch + 1
  ' Close pdf file
  Close #nFileNum
  pageCount = CInt(sNumPages)
End Function
I found that this code does not find the PDF files that stored in subfolders. Also I need to define needed path via "Dialog window".

Please help me to solve this problem, because this macro is very necessary for my work.

Thanks and have a nice day