Dear all,

need a VBA code for the below..


In the above image, the data are regarding the track of works allotted to employees.
Here, the column D is for the status of the work. (WIP - work in progress)

My task is to filter the data from the column A and B with respect to the WIP status in column D.
i.e., if there is WIP in the column D means, its relevant data from column A and B have to save in a new sheet.

Once if i change the row 5 from WIP to completed means, the previous copied data in new sheet have to be deleted.
i.e., in the new sheet, the data will be like below image..


ones i change completed in D5 to complete means, the row 2 in the new sheet have to be deleted and data in row 3 have to be shifted to row 2 accordingly.

kindly help me in this...

Prabhu P