Location Sub Locn Catalogue Order Number Supplier Name Order Date Requisition Created By Line No. Item Description Supplier Product Nbr UOM Qty Ordered Unit Price Total Price Delivery Point Account No.
BAS AST CAT ACH109 EDI SUPPLIER 02/08/2018 NICK 00003 Widget ABC ONLY 10 138.23 1382.3 ACH 1920120730114
BASS AST CAT ACH110 EDI SUPPLIER 22/08/2018 NICK 00004 Widget DEF ONLY 10 7.35 73.5 ACH 1940120130114
BAS AST CAT ACH110 EDI SUPPLIER 02/08/2018 NICK 00001 Widget GHI ONLY 6 45.58 273.48 ACH 1920120730125
1. I want to delete rows in which the Column Q number doesn't end with 30114
2. Then I want to delete the rows in which Column A has more than 3 letters
3. Need Macro to tackle both the problems