So ive found a way to fix the problem, but I still can't wrap my head around why the original problem occurs.
Looking at the code below...
This line causes the form to not unload after exiting BOTH forms. The "add_charges" form first then the main form.
Because I want the second userform (add_charges) to retain its value on exit, the initialize event for this second form calls this...
No suprises there. its the inverse operation to the above.
Now, interestingly, if I change the cell in my second form's query_close event to ANYTHING except what is being pulled in in the userform initialize event, the memory doesn't hang... but then i dont have what I am trying to achieve.
This led me to believe, eventually that the second forms initialize event was acting up...
I change the initialize event to "Userform_Activate" and it is now unloading properly.
I still say this is a bug. Excel isn't unloading/loading forms properly!
Thanks... will await responses/thoughts/comments prior to solving thread. Technically... remains "unsolved"