Hello, I am a excel newbie trying to learn the system. I am creating a master inventory worksheet for medical supplies. The goal of this worksheet will be inventorying what we have, and what we need in order to order a resupply. The Workbook will be multiple worksheets within the same workbook, and each sheet will represent a single storage container that will have a bunch of different items. At the end of the workbook, I want to create a master sheet that contains the totals from the previous pages, in essence, the item (including its identifier code or skew), the total in stock, and the amount that we should have in stock. There are two problems that I keep running into. First, the same item may be found in different boxes, for example bandages may be both in worksheet 1 and worksheet 4, and they need to be totaled together at the end. Secondly, the order of items in the box can change depending if I have them ordered by name or by identifier code. I want to be able to sort through my list without it messing up the inventory at the end.
Any help would be appreciated, keep in mind I'm pretty new to this so I get lost about as easy as a 5 year old.