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Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

  1. #1
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    Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    Hello, I am a excel newbie trying to learn the system. I am creating a master inventory worksheet for medical supplies. The goal of this worksheet will be inventorying what we have, and what we need in order to order a resupply. The Workbook will be multiple worksheets within the same workbook, and each sheet will represent a single storage container that will have a bunch of different items. At the end of the workbook, I want to create a master sheet that contains the totals from the previous pages, in essence, the item (including its identifier code or skew), the total in stock, and the amount that we should have in stock. There are two problems that I keep running into. First, the same item may be found in different boxes, for example bandages may be both in worksheet 1 and worksheet 4, and they need to be totaled together at the end. Secondly, the order of items in the box can change depending if I have them ordered by name or by identifier code. I want to be able to sort through my list without it messing up the inventory at the end.
    Any help would be appreciated, keep in mind I'm pretty new to this so I get lost about as easy as a 5 year old.

  2. #2
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    Can you attach a sample workbook with couple of sample sheets and a summary sheet where you want to total up inventory?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    Here is a started workbook. I have the total number of pages that I need, including a page for large items,
    and a last page for total inventory. There are 5-6
    pages with some items filled in.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    See attached workbook.
    The Macro will execute when you click the Update button.
    It will look at each item in the A column of Total Supply Inventory and search for that item in each of the 20 Box sheets.
    It will copy cells B:D and add quantities in columns E and F.

    Let me know if this does what you want.

    Here's the macro.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    This is pretty much perfect, I am going to spend sometime trying to learn from your macro. The only problem I am bumping into is it isn't totaling all the sheets, there were a few items in the last box (#19) that did not make it on the totals sheet at the end, and I'm not sure why. Thanks so much!

  6. #6
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    This is pretty much perfect, I am going to spend sometime trying to learn from your macro. The only problem I am bumping into is it isn't totaling all the sheets, There were a few items in the last box (#19) that did not make it on the totals sheet at the end, and I'm not sure why. Thanks so much!

  7. #7
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    Maybe I didn't understand the requirements.
    The way I wrote the macro, it looks at all the items listed on Total Supply Inventory and looks for them on other sheets.
    The items you mentioned [Box 19] were not listed on the Total Supply Inventory sheet.

    I am not sure how you intend to use this file.
    Are you going to add new items to individual Box sheets and expect the Total sheet to find the new items?

    Can you not have a master list of all items listed on the Total sheet?

  8. #8
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    Ok, I modified the macro, so now it will find all items from the Box sheets and list all unique items in column A.
    Then it will update all the items as before.

    Let me know if this works for you.
    Macros Used.

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  9. #9
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    That is amazing. Both lists will work, its just a change in pro Is there a way to draw from a masterlist when I am entering items into the individual boxes? Typically everything uses NSN numbers, so it would be nice to just punch in the NSN number and the total that we have in stock.
    Last edited by 2ndlegend; 08-09-2018 at 02:39 PM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    I am not clear on what your thoughts are in the last message.
    Can you give me specific example with step by step process you are thinking of?

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    Where would you punch in the MSN number? in the Box sheet?

    HTML Code: 
    Which master list?

    Please describe your process clearly, so I can help you.

  11. #11
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    This is separate from the original task which works perfectly.
    The goal would be to plug in the NSN number in a box, any box, and have the rest of the info fill in. So if I punch in NSN "1564-566-25-5643"
    under the first column, it will automatically fill in the component number and the item name. I would imagine that information that automatically fills in would have
    to be on a new separate master-sheet, because I don't have all the items or their component numbers available to me yet, so it would have to be something I can add to overtime.
    This would be especially helpful if it was a separate "master" workbook, because I will make multiple copies of the original inventory spreadsheet you created.
    Each of our Medical Kits has 20 boxes, however, I have at least 5 medic kits that I will be inventorying and accounting for, and although they carry many of the same items they aren't identical.

  12. #12
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    Ok, so when you have the master list, you can write a Vlookup formula on the box sheets in columns B and C to fill in the information.
    If you have a master list then you can also create a drop down menu in column A so user can simply select items from a list.
    I prefer using lists instead of user typing in NSN numbers. It helps avoid someone typing in incorrectly [someone might add an extra space in the middle]. Program won't be able to match the items correctly.
    If you need further help, let me know.
    If your original request has been solved, you should mark this thread "SOLVED" and create a new thread for further help.

    1. Click on the * Add Reputation if you think this helped you
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  13. #13
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    Re: Cannot total inventory across multiple worksheets.

    Copy that. I will try to work through this one on my own for a bit, just so I can learn, and hopefully help others out someday. You sir are a wizard, and I greatly appreciate the help.

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