I have a macro that deletes ENTIREROW. Works great.

There are several columns with formulas. Whenever a row is programmatically deleted ... the columns with formulas .. the next row below the deleted row
is displayed #REF. I was able to correct that using this macro after the row deletion :

With Sheets("Main Data").Range("K3:K250")
        .Cells.Formula = "=IF(G3="""","""",SUM(G3:J3))"
End With
The macro programmatically refills the column with the appropriate formula for each cell.

PROBLEM: Now when a row is deleted the next row cell has a small green arrow in the upper left corner, indicating an error. Of course, I can click the cell, then the green arrow and select
IGNORE ERROR and the green arrow disappears.


Is it possible to write a macro that will click the green arrow and select IGNORE ERROR ?
The macro recorder doesn't work for this action and I am unable to find a solution on the .Net and Forum.

Thanks for reading and assistance.