Hi Guys,
I have thousands of file of various types (pdf,xlsx,docx,dat etc) in a specific folder. This directory keeps growing as well some time i delete some files from it. Every file in the directory has a unique no. I have listed the file names in spreadsheet say sheet 1 column A. I want to create hyperlinks to all those file in the same sheet i.e. sheet 1 column B. If there is no file present in the directory with same name (it has been delete), correspondent cell in column B should return NA or "File Not Available"
I found two solutions to this problem at the following link. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...extension.html
@AlphaFrog suggested both of these solutions a couple of years ago.
The first was
This prompts the user to choose folder where the files are residing and then creates hyperlinks in a new sheet.![]()
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The second code which looks more neat is as follows
This does exactly what i want but there are two small issues first it doesn't give the user option to select folder where the files are residing as i want yo keep this spreadhsheet in a different and second it only shows hyperlink in any cell column b if i activate column correspondent cell in column A i.e. either type the value and press enter or press F2 and then enter. I have more than 20,000 cell i want to avoid pressing enter each time i copy a value in column A.![]()
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So i was wondering is there any way where the second macro code can be amended where it gives me option to select the folder (Just like code 1) i.e. from where to create hyperlinks and avoid the necessity to press enter to generate hyperlink.