
Since a few days im trying to get data from my PLC. I fixed to get 1 data unit from the plc and place it in a cell (A1). Ive got this working with the programm UniDDE. This is a connection between the PC(excel) and the PLC.

Now when there is a new incomming data the last data will be forgotten and overwrited in the same cell (A1). I wanna use all the incomming data for later, so i need to log those incomming data. How can i make something in excel that catches the data from lets say A1 and make a list in the collumn B with all the data horizontal. To tell you a little bit about the project i will write the steps beneath:

The Project:

- In the project every data of "MI 1" has to be added in the Microsoft excel cell A1 ( this is working).
- Al the changes in A1 has to be stored in a vertical column by date.

Is there anyone who can help me out with this problem?

Much thanks!