I have a list of 400 stock symbols in cell A1 of an excel spreadsheet. I then go to a macro and load this website:
https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=" & Range("A1").Value
The macro, parsehtml below pulls data into excel from 400 snapshot stock tables. The results load starting in row 1-400 of the spreadsheet.
The problem is that 400 is the limit of snapshot stock tables you can bring in on 1 page and I have many more.
Therefore, I have to have a second page
https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=" & Range("A2").Value
I want the results from page 2 to load in row 401 to 800, however they are overwriting the data in row 1-400.
Does anyone know how make the results from page 2 continue starting in row 401?
For testing purposes, I've attached a file with only 7 items in Cell A1 and 7 items in Cell A2. Thanks for the help.