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Automatically Hiding Rows and Columns with No Data

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    Automatically Hiding Rows and Columns with No Data

    Hello everyone!

    I'm not positive that this is in the right forum, so if not please guide me to the right place. If that first sentence doesn't label me a noob, then I'll just say it - I'm very new to Excel and don't really know what I'm doing, but I'm learning fast! Thanks for any help you can give on this.

    Kudo's to dflak, kvsrinivasamurthy, and FlameRetired for helping me get this far with my annual leave file!

    I am wondering if it is possible to have column A on all sheets (with the exceptions of Joel! and Master!) to be hidden until there is writing (a staff name) in the preceding cell. Example: first row = “Joel”, so the second row appears. I write “Mike” in the second row, so the third appears… so on until you hit the final row and there are no more rows able to appear. When a new row appears, is it possible to then create a blank copy of “Master” sheet and have the writing in the corresponding column A go into that new sheet name? Example: Staff name (A4) is “Joel” – this “unhides” the next place to write a staff name (A7). When this happens, a copy of the sheet “Master” is created and named by writing into Staff!A7. So if I then wrote “Mike” into A7, the newly created copy of “Master” would now be named “Mike”.

    The other place I'm wondering if its possible to have this happen is with the columns “Start” “End” the first one should be there, but no more until you write in the cell - then the next one appears. Basically keeping things tidy and clean. Would it be a conditional formatting thing which makes the format of the empty cell the same as the background (grey)?

    Bonus points for having the newly appearing cells have their own unique color which match up with the conditional formatting on sheets Jan-Mar!, Apr-June!, July-Sept!, and Oct-Dec!

    Please see the attached file to make sense of all this.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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