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How to store query data into dynamic array?

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor VAer's Avatar
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    How to store query data into dynamic array?

    I have the code which can successfully pull data from database, but my question is related to something else.

    I do NOT want to copy data to sheet Test, for two reasons:
    1) The return query data may have many records (exceeding maximum excel 2013 row limitation 1,048,576), which will cause the code bug
    2) I will need further process the data, it is very time consuming to loop through excel data.

    So I am thinking about sorting data in memory, processing data in memory should be much faster than processing data in spreadsheet. I will copy final data (after being processed) into spreadsheet. That being said, I do NOT want this line of code (ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(7, 5).CopyFromRecordset CVRs) at this point, I want to sort the data into an dynamic array, since I don't know how many records from CVRs.

    Maybe I need a line to code to count the number of returned records? If the number of records is k, then

    Dim DynArrayField1 (0 To k-1) As Long
    Dim DynArrayField2 (0 To k-1) As Long
    Dim DynArrayField3 (0 To k-1) As Long
    //Assume there are 3 fields in returned query records
    How to count the number of record? How to store the records into the arrays?


    Dim CVRs As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim CVQuery As String
    Dim CVField As Field
    CVQuery = "Select Field1, Field2, Field3 From Tablename Where ....."
    CVRs.Open CVQuery, Cn
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test").Cells(7, 5).CopyFromRecordset CVRs

  2. #2
    Forum Expert CK76's Avatar
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    Re: How to store query data into dynamic array?

    Recordset is an array, and more versatile than VBA array. For an example, you can reference by column index or name.

    If you want to minimize duration of connection being open. Then you could...
    Dim ar
    ar = CVRs.GetRows
    Edit: Though I'd recommend doing computation on SQL side, leveraging more powerful server to do the heavy lifting (I assume data is housed in SQL server). You can do pretty much any folding/aggregation needed in query itself.
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  3. #3
    Forum Contributor VAer's Avatar
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    Re: How to store query data into dynamic array?

    Quote Originally Posted by CK76 View Post
    Recordset is an array, and more versatile than VBA array. For an example, you can reference by column index or name.

    If you want to minimize duration of connection being open. Then you could...
    Dim ar
    ar = CVRs.GetRows
    Oh, thanks for the information. For GetRows , I assume ar is multiple dimensional array. Since I need further process the data, how can I refer to specific fields (Field1, Field2, Field3) within the array?

    Let us say, I want to break it down to 3 small arrays for each field: ar1, ar2, ar3 . That being said ar(0) = ar1(0)+ ar2(0) + ar3(0); ar(1) = ar1(1)+ ar2(1) + ar3(1); .....

    How to print array into sheet? For example, how to copy/paste ar to sheets("Test").Cells(1,1)?


  4. #4
    Forum Expert CK76's Avatar
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    Re: How to store query data into dynamic array?

    Sample below, for filling array with single column data (using Field Index#, you could use it's name in place).
    Do note that .RecordCount will return different result depending on cursor type of Recordset object.
    I typically use... "adOpenStatic" This is specified in Recordset.Open method.
    Dim ar
    With CVRs
        If .RecordCount > 1 Then
            ReDim ar(0 To .RecordCount - 1, 1)
            i = 0
            Do Until .EOF
                ar(i, 0) = .Fields(0)
                i = i + 1
        End If
    End With
    Range("A1").Resize(UBound(ar), 1) = ar
    Last edited by CK76; 05-30-2018 at 10:02 AM.

  5. #5
    Forum Contributor VAer's Avatar
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    Re: How to store query data into dynamic array?

    Quote Originally Posted by CK76 View Post
    Sample below, for filling array with single column data (using Field Index#, you could use it's name in place).
    Do note that .RecordCount will return different result depending on cursor type of Recordset object.
    I typically use... "adOpenStatic" This is specified in Recordset.Open method.
    Dim ar
    With CVRs
        If .RecordCount > 1 Then
            ReDim ar(0 To .RecordCount - 1, 1)
            i = 0
            Do Until .EOF
                ar(i, 0) = .Fields(0)
                i = i + 1
        End If
    End With
    Range("A1").Resize(UBound(ar), 1) = ar
    Thank you. I will try the code later.

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