Hi guys,
I have many PDF's will poor filenames (non descriptive serial Numbers). However the PDF's Directories are very descriptive eg:
\\PP-SURPRO3-RN\MullaMullaProject\Standards and Specifications\Australian Standards\Energy & Heat Transfer Engineering\Heat pumps\
but the filenames make very little sense (they seem to refer to the reference number of the document, but not the title):
I am hoping to get/make a VBA program that will use terms in the Directory and the Filename and preform a google search and return the results as a string in a excel document.
Column A (Input Data Column):Directory Path
Column B (Input Data Column):Filename
Column C (output, from running the program): String of the 1st google search result
Column D (output, from running the program): String of the 2nd google search result
Column E (output, from running the program): String of the 3rd google search result
Something like this, so I can search many PDF's all at once.
(I already have methods of creating a list of all the directory paths, and a list of all the filenames.
Thanks Guys,