I am very new to VBA and I am starting to learn it, but I was hoping someone here could help me figure this out.
From what research I have done it seems the only way to change a cell link besides doing it manually is with VBA? So, what I would like to do is be able to change the cell link based on date. How I currently have my table set up is like this.
Top row with a title and far right cell is '=today()' (lets call it J1)
Row with header values - date (column A), value1, value2, value3, etc.
row with spin buttons under the values I would like to increment.
row with data
Is there a way with VBA to set it up so the spinner checks $A4=$J$1 (date on row vs current date), and then updates the cell link to the cell on the row with the current date. That way I can increment/decrement the relevant row only (dynamically), while also preserving the data on older rows?