Here is the macro that I use to then push out a copy of all.
No clue why this code posts ok.
'Run AFTER you Pull
Sub QA_PushTracker()
Dim z As Workbook, a As Workbook, b As Workbook, c As Workbook, d As Workbook, e As Workbook, f As Workbook, g As Workbook, h As Workbook, i As Workbook, j As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim V
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Audit Tracker").Unlist
'Source Workbooks:
Const cPath_Name As String = "K:\E\"
Set z = Workbooks("z - may 2018.xlsm")
If z Is Nothing Then Set z = Workbooks.Open(cPath_Name & "z - may 2018.xlsm", UpdateLinks:=0)
Set a = Workbooks("a - may 2018.xlsm")
If a Is Nothing Then Set a = Workbooks.Open(cPath_Name & "a - may 2018.xlsm", UpdateLinks:=0)
Set b = Workbooks("b - may 2018.xlsm")
If b Is Nothing Then Set b = Workbooks.Open(cPath_Name & "b - may 2018.xlsm", UpdateLinks:=0)
Set c = Workbooks("c - may 2018.xlsm")
If c Is Nothing Then Set c = Workbooks.Open(cPath_Name & "c - may 2018.xlsm", UpdateLinks:=0)
Set d = Workbooks("d W W - may 2018.xlsm")
If d Is Nothing Then Set d = Workbooks.Open(cPath_Name & "d W - may 2018.xlsm", UpdateLinks:=0)
Set e = Workbooks("e - may 2018.xlsm")
If e Is Nothing Then Set e = Workbooks.Open(cPath_Name & "e - may 2018.xlsm", UpdateLinks:=0)
Set f = Workbooks("f - may 2018.xlsm")
If f Is Nothing Then Set f = Workbooks.Open(cPath_Name & "f - may 2018.xlsm", UpdateLinks:=0)
Set g = Workbooks("g - may 2018.xlsm")
If g Is Nothing Then Set g = Workbooks.Open(cPath_Name & "g - may 2018.xlsm", UpdateLinks:=0)
Set h = Workbooks("h - may 2018.xlsm")
If h Is Nothing Then Set h = Workbooks.Open(cPath_Name & "h - may 2018.xlsm", UpdateLinks:=0)
Set i = Workbooks("i - may 2018.xlsm")
If i Is Nothing Then Set i = Workbooks.Open(cPath_Name & "i - may 2018.xlsm", UpdateLinks:=0)
Set j = Workbooks("j - may 2018.xlsm")
If j Is Nothing Then Set j = Workbooks.Open(cPath_Name & "j - may 2018.xlsm", UpdateLinks:=0)
z.Sheets("Audit Tracker").ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range([A4].End(xlDown), [A4].End(xlToRight)), , xlYes).Name = "AuditTracker"
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("AuditTracker").TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium3"
Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlNone
.TintAndShade = 0
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
Dim zRng As Range
Set zRng = z.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5:BG250")
' On Error Resume Next
On Error Resume Next
a.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
b.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
c.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
d.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
e.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
f.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
g.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
h.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
i.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
a.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5").PasteSpecial
b.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5").PasteSpecial
c.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5").PasteSpecial
d.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5").PasteSpecial
e.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5").PasteSpecial
f.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5").PasteSpecial
g.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5").PasteSpecial
h.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5").PasteSpecial
i.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5").PasteSpecial
j.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5").PasteSpecial
For Each V In Array(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)
'close workbooks:
V.Close SaveChanges:=Not V.ReadOnly
Next V
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub