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Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  1. #1
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    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Hi, I am using the below code which interacts a lot with excel. I heard of the Application.ScreenUpdating = False, would that help me reduce the execution time of the code? How does it work? Thank you!

    Public Function GetValue(EventDateRange As Range, _
    DateX As Date, _
    TheValue As Integer) As String

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim startDate As Date
    Dim endDate As Date

    Dim sRange As Range
    Set sRange = Range(Range("B2"), Range("B2").End(xlDown))
    Dim SpecialEvent As String
    Dim SpecialEventRow As Integer
    Dim Probability As Double
    Dim sCell As Range
    Dim CalendarRange As Range
    Dim counter As Integer

    If (TheValue <= 5) Then 'return empty string for distance to the date less than or equal to five
    GetValue = ""
    Exit Function
    End If

    ' Loops through event column
    For i = 1 To EventDateRange.Count - 1
    startDate = EventDateRange(i)
    endDate = EventDateRange(i + 1)

    If EventDateRange(i) = DateX Or EventDateRange(i + 1) = DateX Then
    GetValue = ""
    Exit Function
    End If

    SpecialEvent = ""
    Probability = 0

    ' Column Special Event (B)
    For Each sCell In sRange
    If IsDateInDateRange(CDate(sCell), startDate, endDate) Then
    SpecialEvent = sCell.Value
    Probability = sCell.Offset(0, -1).Value

    ' Select range from Calendar based on start/end date (E)
    Set CalendarRange = GetRangeByDates(startDate, endDate)

    If Not CalendarRange Is Nothing Then

    SpecialEventRow = GetRowInRange(CDate(SpecialEvent), CalendarRange)
    If IsDateInRange(DateX, CalendarRange) Then

    ' Debug.Print DateX & _
    ' " - " & startDate & "-" & endDate & _
    ' " -> " & SpecialEvent & " - " & Probability & _
    ' " - " & SpecialEventRow & _
    ' " - " & CalendarRange.Rows(0).Row + 1 & _
    ' " - " & CalendarRange.Rows(CalendarRange.Rows.Count - 1).Row & _
    '" - " & TheValue

    Dim c As Range
    counter = 0
    ' counts the eligible rows
    For Each c In CalendarRange
    'Debug.Print c
    If Val(c.Offset(0, 1)) > 5 Then
    If CDate(c) <> startDate And CDate(c) <> endDate Then
    counter = counter + 1
    End If
    End If

    GetValue = (10 / counter) * Probability
    Exit Function

    End If
    End If

    End If


    ' GetValue = "0"

    End Function

    Public Function IsDateInDateRange(inputDate As Date, _
    startDate As Date, _
    endDate As Date) As Boolean

    IsDateInDateRange = inputDate >= startDate And inputDate <= endDate

    End Function

    ' Gets Range from Calendar/column E by Start/End dates
    Public Function GetRangeByDates(startDate As Date, endDate As Date) As Range

    Dim cRange As Range
    Set cRange = Range(Range("E2"), Range("E2").End(xlDown))
    Dim startCell As Range
    Dim endCell As Range

    ' Find StartDate and EndDate in column E (calendar)
    Dim cCell As Range
    For Each cCell In cRange
    If CDate(cCell) = startDate Then
    Set startCell = cCell
    End If
    If CDate(cCell) = endDate Then
    Set endCell = cCell
    End If

    If startCell Is Nothing Or endCell Is Nothing Then
    Set GetRangeByDates = Nothing
    Set GetRangeByDates = Range(startCell, endCell)
    End If

    End Function

    ' Checks if input date is in provided Range, returns true or false
    Function IsDateInRange(inputDate As Date, xlRange As Range) As Boolean

    Dim c As Range
    For Each c In xlRange
    If inputDate = CDate(c.Value) Then
    IsDateInRange = True
    Exit Function
    End If
    IsDateInRange = False

    End Function

    ' Gets row location of provided date in Range
    ' It's used to get Special Event row number in column E
    Function GetRowInRange(inputDate As Date, xlRange As Range) As Integer
    Dim c As Range
    For Each c In xlRange
    If CDate(c.Value) = inputDate Then
    GetRowInRange = c.Row
    Exit Function
    End If
    GetRowInRange = -1 ' if date not found in range then return -1
    End Function

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Good morning, you're really enthusiastic duplicating your own post. I suggest you delete on, probably clicked once too many
    Depending on what your code is doing, I'm not reading it all
    Screen Updtaing set to false is time saving because the system does not have to refresh the screen every time a value is updated but you mus NOT forget to set it back to tru after the last iteration.
    If you've got worksheet events loaded then you should also disable ApplicationEvents

    I have these two macros that I invoke at the beginning of the actual loop and calculations and at the end

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    So your macro whatever it is

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    Hope this helps
    "IT" Always crosses your path!
    May the (vba) code be with you... if it isn't; start debugging!
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  3. #3
    Forum Expert NeedForExcel's Avatar
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    Re: Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    @Keebellah - Setting the calculation mode to xlCalculationManual is not always helpful...

    @Gero92 - I also suggest you use code tags to format your code properly to make it more readable.
    Deep Dave

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