I have a tab/sheet of raw data (called "Data") that I refresh each month. State is one of the columns in said sheet.

I have a macro that then parses the data from the "Data" tab into individual tabs/sheets within that same workbook (called "Parse_Data"). So, once the macro runs I have 40+ tabs in that same workbook, each of them containing an individual state's data. Each of these new tabs is named automatically based on the state data contained in each (AL, AZ, CA, etc.).

So...I have a group of separate workbooks/files, each of which is a financial model ("AZ_Model", "CA_Model", etc) that uses the data of an individual state that I described above.

The data updates each month. This is no issue in the "Parse_Data" file. I replace the raw data and run my macro.

What I would like to do is create a macro that then takes the "Parse_Data" file and copies each new state-named tab to the proper state model, while replacing the old tab of the same name.

In other words, once I run the macro for the Parse_Data file and I have my new state tabs, I would like the "AZ" tab for example to find the "AZ_Model" file and replace the existing "AZ" tab found in the AZ model. This would obviously make updating 40+ models a lot easier.

Any help is appreciated.