Try it maybe in this way:
Dim AppName As String, WrkOrdr As String, Location As String, PDFName As String, curdrv As String, curpth As String
Dim AppDate As Date, AppTime As Date
Dim ws As Worksheet '! if it has not been declared before
Const strPath As String = "H:\PK\Spraying and Fertilizing\Chemical Application Records\"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'"ws" should be declared before, by "Set", is it declared ?
'if not, then e.g.:
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
'Get values from form fields to generate dynamic file name
AppName = Trim(ws.Range("H9").Value)
WrkOrdr = Trim(ws.Range("L10").Value)
Location = Trim(ws.Range("H13").Value)
AppDate = Trim(ws.Range("G35").Value)
AppTime = Trim(ws.Range("H35").Value)
'Generate file name string
PDFName = "ChemApp_" & AppName & "_" & WrkOrdr & "_" & Location & "_" & Format(AppDate & " " & AppTime, "m_d_yyyy_h_mm AM/PM") & ".pdf"
'Possible but not needed - Part A
'curdrv = Left(CurDir, 1)
'curpth = ThisWorkbook.Path
'ChDrive Left(strPath, 1)
'ChDir strPath
ws.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
Filename:=strPath & PDFName, _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
'Possible but not needed - Part B
'ChDrive curdrv
'ChDir curpth
Set ws = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
1) use "&" to concatenate strings, not "+"
2) The 'ChDir' statement changes the default directory but not the default drive