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Vlookup with 2 criteria help

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  1. #1
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    Vlookup with 2 criteria help


    I found VBA code online that seems to be written to look up on 2 or more conditions.
    I need help modifying it to fit my UserForm that takes data from a table on "Raw Data" tab and inserts it into a different table on "All" tab.

    In the UserForm Column 3 will be entered into TextBox4 and Column 4 into TextBox5.
    Criteria: Look up Column 3 (from TextBox4) and Column 4 (TextBox5)
    If Column 4 is 0 then display Column 5 in TextBox13 and display Column 6 in TextBox14
    If Column 4 is greater than 0 then display Column 7 in TextBox13

    The code that I found online and needs to be modified:
    Function ThreeParameterVlookup(Data_Range As Range, Col As Integer, Parameter1 As Variant, Parameter2 As Variant, Parameter3 As Variant) As Variant
    'Declare Variables
    Dim Cell
    Dim Current_Row As Integer
    Dim No_Of_Rows_in_Range As Integer
    Dim No_of_Cols_in_Range As Integer
    Dim Matching_Row As Integer
    'set answer to N/A by default
    ThreeParameterVlookup = CVErr(xlErrNA)
    Matching_Row = 0
    Current_Row = 1
    No_Of_Rows_in_Range = Data_Range.Rows.Count
    No_of_Cols_in_Range = Data_Range.Columns.Count
    'Check if Col is greater than number of columns in range
    If (Col > No_of_Cols_in_Range) Then
        ThreeParameterVlookup = CVErr(xlErrRef)
    End If
    If (Col <= No_of_Cols_in_Range) Then
        If ((Data_Range.Cells(Current_Row, 1).Value = Parameter1) And _
            (Data_Range.Cells(Current_Row, 2).Value = Parameter2) And _
            (Data_Range.Cells(Current_Row, 3).Value = Parameter3)) Then
            Matching_Row = Current_Row
        End If
        Current_Row = Current_Row + 1
        Loop Until ((Current_Row = No_Of_Rows_in_Range) Or (Matching_Row <> 0))
        If Matching_Row <> 0 Then
            ThreeParameterVlookup = Data_Range.Cells(Matching_Row, Col)
        End If
    End If
    End Function
    If new code is esier to write, then you can ignore what i found.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Vlookup with 2 criteria help

    Attach a sample workbook. Make sure there is just enough data to demonstrate your need. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you're trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are shown, mock them up manually if necessary.

    Remember to desensitize the data.

    Click on GO ADVANCED and then scroll down to Manage Attachments to open the upload window.
    One spreadsheet to rule them all. One spreadsheet to find them. One spreadsheet to bring them all and at corporate, bind them.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, but a sample spreadsheet is more likely to be worked on.

  3. #3
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    Re: Vlookup with 2 criteria help

    I have tried to attach the file and picture but this would not allow me to do so. After many attempts, I got something that works. The code is not pretty and I would appreciate it if you could look at it and condense it.

    Private Sub TextBox5_Change()
    If TextBox5.Value >= 1 And Not IsEmpty(TextBox5.Value) Then
        Set MyRange = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("Table_Query_from_Visual654[base_id]")
        For Each c In MyRange
            If c.Value Like UCase(TextBox4.Value) Then
               If Sheet1.Cells(c.Row, 4) = TextBox5.Value Then
                    TextBox13.Value = Sheet1.Cells(c.Row, 9)
                TextBox14.Value = ""
                End If
            End If
    End If
    If TextBox5.Value = 0 And Not IsEmpty(TextBox5.Value) Then
        Set MyRange = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("Table_Query_from_Visual654[base_id]")
        For Each c In MyRange
            If c.Value Like UCase(TextBox4.Value) Then
               If Sheet1.Cells(c.Row, 4) = TextBox5.Value Then
                    TextBox13.Value = Sheet1.Cells(c.Row, 5)
                    TextBox14.Value = Sheet1.Cells(c.Row, 6)
                End If
            End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Thank you!

  4. #4
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Vlookup with 2 criteria help

    If the workbook is too big to attach, then you are probably including too much sample data. However, you can compress the workbook and attach it as a zip file.

  5. #5
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    Re: Vlookup with 2 criteria help

    It was not the size of the workbook that it did not like, it was lack permission. This forum would not allow me to attach any files.
    The code that I have attached works, but it is not "pretty"

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