With two sheets, a Feeder sheet and a Database, I have two columns of data I would like matched.
On the Feeder, all data is in rows:
VALUE 1 -Location Time Cost Duration
VALUE 2 -Location Time Cost Duration
VALUE 3 -Location Time Cost Duration
VALUE 4 -Location Time Cost Duration
With all Values in column B.

On Database, all data is in columns:
VALUE 1 Location
VALUE 1 Time
VALUE 1 Cost
VALUE 1 Duration
VALUE 2 Location
VALUE 2 Time
VALUE 2 Cost
VALUE 2 Duration
VALUE 3 Location
VALUE 3 Time
VALUE 3 Cost
VALUE 3 Duration

With all values in column C.

So I can run pivot table.

I would like my code to find the first instance of each value(a text string) in the Database and copy the row number in the adjacent cell on the Feeder sheet.
So my data would end up looking like this on the Feeder sheet:
2 VALUE 1 -Location Time Cost Duration
6 VALUE 2 -Location Time Cost Duration
10 VALUE 3 -Location Time Cost Duration
14 VALUE 4 -Location Time Cost Duration

This way, a user can always see that their records have been correctly created in the Database without having to run a search. It also serves as an error checker.
I would like this to run automatically.
Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!