Hi Jindon and also special-k. Jindon i tried your code on this string . Its in special cell not a range cell B18
this was the string.
10-491-910-4950-99100-249250-499500+Unknown/No answer1-910-4950-99100-249250-499500+Unknown/No answer
it left only answer back but the answer should be 10-49
I change your code to
Sub test()
Dim x As String
With Range("b18", Range("b" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
.NumberFormat = "@": x = .Address
.Value = Evaluate("if(" & x & "<>"""",left(b18:a10000,find(""^""," & _
End With
End Sub
Special - K maybe its my missing knowledge but how do i use this public function